Acts 10:9-16
9 The next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to pray. 10 And he became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while they were preparing it, he fell into a trance 11 and saw the heavens opened and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by its four corners upon the earth. 12 In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. 13 And there came a voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” 14 But Peter said, “By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.” 15 And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has made clean, do not call common.” 16 This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.
Things to keep in mind when calibrating your conscience:
- Educate it with truth, from both inside and outside the Bible
- Patience is essential—it takes time, so be patient and gracious
- Calibrate in community with fellow church members
A related message from our Hebrews series: Beginning to Think Biblically About the Conscience