You may have heard it said that theology should result in doxology, or something along those lines. To put it another way, the study and knowledge of God should result in worship of him.
In the New Testament, worship isn’t merely something we do in a particular place (church) at a particular time (Sunday morning) in a particular way. Every moment of every day of our life is intended and expected by God to be an expression of our worship of him and his Son, Jesus Christ—in our work, our rest, our social life, our private life, our thoughts, our words, and our actions.
In Sunday’s sermon we looked closely at Hebrews 1:1-4 where the author of Hebrews presents the Son of God as God’s final word, and then describes seven specific things about the Son that taken together describe his divine nature and proclaim his supremacy over the entire universe.
How might knowing what you heard and/or learned about Jesus in Sunday’s sermon impact your life to be a life of continual God-glorifying worship? Will it?